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Le Mans 2022 Ayse's Story

Page 16 - Friday 10th June - Off to the Town



After the late nights on Wednesday and Thursday, Friday was always going to be a traditional day of rest.  We had 'hummed and haa'd' over whether to try and get to the Drivers Parade in the evening but decided that it was just too much hassle getting into town and finding somewhere to park (that we could get out of afterwards!).  We also decided against going to the Classic British Welcome in St Saturnin.  We had all done that in 2019 and I've done it several times more and we didn't feel the need to do it again this year.  

James, Lauren and I, having done the pitwalk at the best time on Tuesday had decided not to go into the circuit today.  Allon was keen and Tony was happy to take him in.  Instead, we went out to the Feuillette for breakfast (at least we think we did, our memories of events on this Friday have dimmed, to say the least!).  What we decided to do instead was something I'd not done before which was to go into the town and have a look around.  Having only been into Le Mans town for scrutineering in the past, it was nice to see the place when it was a little quieter.  So we drove into town and parked up in the Place de la République car park.  The Place was very quiet, although they were clearly setting up for interviews and so on for the Driver Parade later in the evening.  

We went into my favourite shop just around the corner.  It's essentially a book and stationery shop, but it always has a very strong Le Mans theme during Le Mans week.  Lauren had reminded me that there was still some money in my kitty that she had been given by Jayne for my birthday present and after looking at books and fountain pens, my eye was caught by one particular book which featured all of the Le Mans race posters since 1923.  It is a really nice book and it was within 'budget' so I got it straight away.  It is called '24h Le Mans Un Siecle D'Affiche' - 'A Century of Posters'.  Very nicely put together on very good quality paper with both French and English text.   Highly recommended!  

I'm convinced that at some point that morning we stopped at a patisserie for croissants and coffee, which rather brings into doubt whether we did go the the Feuillette earlier, but I know Lauren thinks we did, as we've discussed it recently!  

We had a look around a few more shops and then decided to have lunch at Le Galand.  James is as keen as I am on a Croque Madame and wasn't going to pass up the chance to have a really good one at Le Galand.  Naturally enough, although some will smirk at me doing the same 'stale' old thing yet again at Le Mans, I thoroughly enjoyed it, although I skipped the frites as I knew we would be eating again later that evening!  

After lunch we drove back to base, stopping at Auchan to pick up 'snacks' ready for the race.  We knew that Tony and Tim weren't keen on another meal at Del Arte that evening (I think Tim had already had his fill of pizza!) and if I recall correctly, they headed off to the local McDonalds, but Allon considered it obligatory to go to Del Arte at least once and we squeezed him into my car for another fill of Pizza Vesuvio!  It would be fair to say that we were well and truly stuffed by the end of the meal.  Bearing in mind that sleep wasn't on the agenda again until Sunday night, it was early to bed to prepare for raceday.  



























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