We had plenty
of time and arrived quite a while before the session was due to start, parking
up in the nearby car park and settled down to our first 'sandwich americaine' of
the week - a baguette stuffed with frites and (for me) two merguez and lashings
of mustard - lovely!
There had
been a suggestion made (by someone, somewhere!) that the view from Indianapolis
back towards Mulsanne had been improved since last year but having got down
there after our lunch/tea/supper we found that it remained unchanged from
previous years. There is practically no view back at all for the
spectators as the cars arrive at the first left-hander. It was
disappointing as well that the large TV screen was still to be installed, but,
with the aid of Radio Le Mans, we settled down to enjoy the first qualifying
As most
people know by now, I adore the night at Le Mans and the beauty of being at Le
Mans for all the practice sessions is that I get to see the cars running in the
darkness three times instead of just once during the race. It also means I
get extra opportunities to prove my abject incompetence at photographing the
cars at night! I guess I should realise by now that it's really to hard to
take anything like decent pictures from where I shoot and with the equipment I
use - but I just can't resist trying!

It turned out
to be largely dominated by Audi, although they were eventually pipped to the
'overnight pole' post by Sarazin's #8 Peugeot. But there was clearly a lot
more to come in tomorrow's two qualifying sessions.
So the first
on-track action of Le Mans 2011 was over and we had six solid hours under our
belts already. It was now a case of getting back to the car for an easy
trip back to the hotel, finally hitting the sack just after 1 am.
