So what can I say about Le
Mans 2011 by way of conclusions? A great trip? Well yes of course, I
say that every year, but this was especially so. And for a change, not
just a great trip, but a great race too. From the start to the finish it
had been a thoroughly intriguing battle between Audi and Peugeot which Audi just
managed to control over the last 8-9 hours, despite having been reduced to a
single car for 16 hours or so. I really felt that they deserved the win in
what must surely have been their hardest race since arriving at Le Mans in 1999.
At times Peugeot had seemed to have a definite edge in terms of speed but Audi's
famed reliability was this year matched by outright speed and even though
the winning margin was incredibly just a few seconds, I felt that Audi had the race under
control throughout the last few hours.
If I had any doubt at all
about the wisdom of going over for the whole week after 2010 - which I didn't -
2011 really made me realise that I just couldn't go back to the previous
'week-end only' approach. No disrespect at all to my good friends the Tourists,
who are now able to enjoy other parts of France before the race weekend, but
that isn't for me any more. In fact, if anything, having arrived in Le
Mans on Tuesday this year, I missed the early arrival we'd had 2010.
Somehow the week just didn't seem long enough!
The highpoints? As
last year, almost too many to list, but I'll start with the coffee I took on
Tuesday afternoon with Paul, Joe, Chuck, Dave and Robin from Radio Le Mans.
I just can't believe I didn't take my camera! Then there was the Audi pit
visit on Friday - amazing! This was immediately followed by another
enthralling visit to the Radio Le Mans studio courtesy of my friend Paul
Truswell. On Saturday - was that not the best ever Ten Tenths Le Mans
meeting? My special thanks go to Pascal, Bernard and Eric our wonderful French
'hosts' and also to Rob Blanshard whose passionate and emotional response to
being at motor racing's Holy Grail was a joy to behold and made me realise again why I
just love this event.....
Then there was the circuit
at night, not just during the race, but on Wednesday and Thursday as well.
Arnage and Indianapolis in particular just have to be experienced in full
darkness - and for anyone (including any hair-brained German engine designers
who might read this...) who supports the idea that racing cars don't need to
make much noise, a mesmerising hour watching the cars come down the chute at
Arnage is really all you need to make you realise just how daft that idea really
Lastly, but most
importantly, comes the company. Once again James and I got on really well
and Tony and Tim were great company too. The only disappointment?
The fact that its over too quickly and we have to wait a whole year to do it
again. So if you've still not been to Le Mans, I hope that reading this
evokes some enthusiasm in you to get on and plan a trip for 2012. It is
the greatest motor racing event of them all - the consummate motor sport drug -
so get yourself high in 2012......
