Le Mans 1996 - Ayse's Story
Page 13
Monday 16th June - Azay le Rideau, Saumur and Home
That was a good night’s
sleep, that was! Peter and I were awake by 7.00 a.m. and by
7.30 we had set about re-packing our bags.
This is often a problem after
I left Peter pottering
around in our room while I went downstairs for a walk before breakfast. Ian (another early riser), was doing the
same and we had a short walk around together before heading back to the hotel
for breakfast at about 8.30. The
others eventually joined us, none of them seeming too much the worse for wear
for the exertions of the week-end (and the liqueurs the night before!).

Ian and I had noticed on
our earlier walk that there was a Monday morning market setting up in the
square outside the hotel (which, despite its rather substandard fare was set in
very pleasant surroundings). So we all set off to explore the market, which was selling a variety of
plants and shrubs, toys, clothes, shoes, and the more traditional foodstuffs,
i.e. meat, fish and veg.
Someone discovered a stall
selling sweets and Peter loaded up with some of these to take back to
Hilda. I have to say that I wasn’t
terribly impressed (and I think that was Peter’s reaction when he returned home
and tried the sweets later. “They were
awful”, I seem to remember him saying!).

By 10.00 am on a bright
Monday morning then, our bags were all packed into the two cars and it was
time to set off from
We arrived at the chateau
at about 10.30 am, paid for our tickets and went for a wander around the
building and grounds. I must say I was
rather disappointed. The chateau was
much smaller than I'd expected and although it appeared to be quite imposing
from the outside, set on the edge of a small lake (and looking like some
strange sea-going leviathan!), the inside was rather less inspiring. Although we spent the best part of two hours
there, frankly I'd seen enough of the chateau after about half an hour, and
spent much more time examining the lake for fish (of which there were a few!).

Eventually we headed
back to what appeared to be the main square in Azay Le Rideau, and stopped for
a beer. We supplemented the beer with
some cherries (which were very good!), bought by Martyn in the market at

We left Azay Le Rideau at
about 12.45 in the knowledge that we still had our journey to Saumur where we planned to take lunch and then the much longer journey on
from there to Honfleur, for dinner, before finally heading on the short
distance to
The journey to Saumur took
only about three quarters of an hour and we were soon travelling over the large
bridge over the river looking over to
yet another chateau (which appeared (from the green netting surrounding it), to
be undergoing repairs. (I was later to
find bottles of Saumur wine in the local Tesco, which had that same view of the
chateau at Saumur on the label!).

It took rather a long time
to find somewhere to park in the centre of Saumur, which seemed to be very busy
for a Monday lunchtime. Then of course,
we had to find somewhere suitable to eat, which took equally as long. We eventually settled on a restaurant where
we could sit outside and eat, although I was beginning to have my doubts about
the weather - it was starting to cloud over quite quickly and I was sure that,
having avoided it so far, we were now in for some rain on this
By 2.45 we were aware
that we still had the best part of the journey still to undertake, so it was back to the cars once again for the journey to Honfleur. Before this the majority of the party
(except me), were keen to visit the hypermarket to load up with
wine and other goodies. Of course, in
the previous few years we had used the hypermarket at
By the time we reached the
hypermarket, which was only 15 minutes or so up the road, the rain had started and it looked very much as if it was set to be quite wet for the remainder of
the day. By 3.30 the wine had been
bought and was loaded up with scant regard for the
amounts actually allowable, and we were on the road again for Honfleur. We knew that this was going to be a journey
of four hours or so, and I didn’t take any persuading at all to settle down in
the back of Martyn’s very comfortable BMW for another sleep!
saw little of the scenery on the journey to Honfleur, the events of the
week-end had not surprisingly taken their toll, and I only woke up
just as we were heading into Honfleur, in heavy rain, which made
it seem rather like late afternoon on Friday in Chartres! (If only it was and
we had the weekend to enjoy all over again!).
Again, finding somewhere to park was less than easy, and we were all a
little concerned about leaving the cars in a large public car park, with all
our worldly goods (and a fair few quids-worth of wine) in the cars.

If the search for somewhere
to park took a while, it was nothing compared to the search for somewhere suitable
to eat! We must have looked at all of
the menus in all of the restaurants along the harbour front in Honfleur (and,
if you know Honfleur, you will know that there are quite a few of them!). In the end, we settled on what appeared to be
the best of the lot, which just happened to be the same restaurant in which
Ian, Martyn, Alan and I had eaten in 1990, on the way back from the race!
Initially, we were given a
table outside, only protected from the elements by plastic sheeting
overhead. However Ian, who had taken a
seat at the end of the table, found himself continually dripped upon, and,
despite some initial debate, we were given a table inside the restaurant. The meal was rather hurried, although the service
was certainly well above Le Belinois standard. After my steak au poivre (which I thought
quite good, unlike Jeff!), I managed to throw down an exceptionally good crème
bruleé, before it was time to deal with the bill (I can’t remember if I took
charge of this or not), and head quickly back to the cars for the final leg of
the journey back to
It was by now 10.00 pm already and we knew we needed to get to the ferry port rather quickly to be ready in
line for loading onto the ferry for the 11.00 p.m. crossing. In order to get from Honfleur to
And that is where we
waited….and waited….and waited! 11.00
p.m. came and went with no sign of movement.
11.30 arrived and we still hadn’t moved and no explanation was
forthcoming as to why we were being delayed.
The boat was there all right, but there seemed to be no movement of cars
onto it whatsoever. Finally, on the stroke of midnight, we were allowed onto the Pride of Portsmouth (which had, of course, been our means of
transport over to
Ian had sensibly invested
in cabins for all of us for the journey home and we thought we would find those
straight away and leave whatever belongings we could in them, before heading
back up to one of the bars for a drink.
It was at this point that we had one of the most amusing moments of the
week-end! Entry to the cabins (which we
took ages to find, hidden as they were down in the very bowels of
the ship), was gained by coded cards, which didn’t seem to work particularly
well. Alan managed to break in half the entry card for the cabin he was sharing
with Jeff, Jim and Ian! Fortunately, I
think it still worked afterwards and he didn’t have to go back and get another!
It was about 12.30 am by
the time we got back to the bar for a drink.
We were all feeling pretty tired at this stage, but there was one final
and very important task to be performed - l’addition! As in 1996, Ian had been unable to persuade
anybody this year to undertake the thankless task of keeping the accounts (as
you know, I did it way back and Peter did it in 1995), so Ian himself did the
deed. I couldn’t believe how quickly he
managed it - in about 15 minutes! I well
remember that when I did it, it took me most of the journey home!

I was very pleased with the
outcome of Ian’s deliberations. For the first time I found that, instead of owing money to others, I was actually
owed money! I had paid a couple of quite
large bills early in the week-end and this meant that I was actually to the
good when the final reckoning was completed. So I found myself bringing back to
By 1.00 am I finally
made it to the duty-free shop (just before it closed), as I was determined to
get myself a bottle of calvados! After
this, it was off to one of the bars for a final cup of coffee before
retiring. By 1.20 we had decided
to retire to our cabins, as we would be back in
I managed a reasonable
sleep in my bunk, but was the first to rise at about 4.45 a.m. I went outside to stretch my legs before
coming back to have a quick wash and brush-up.
We were all up and about by about 5.20, and made our
rendezvous on one of the upper decks, as the Pride of Portsmouth docked in its home port bang on time (for the
journey, that is, it was, of course, an hour late because of the still
unexplained delay in departure) at 5.45 a.m.
Martyn’s car was off the
ferry very quickly, having been parked in a different position to Ian’s, so
much so that we were back at Ian’s home in Chilworth by 6.35 am, when the
process of unloading the BMW and transferring possessions to our own cars
commenced. Ian arrived only ten minutes
later, much quicker than we had expected.
After a quick cup of tea and the usual “See you next year” farewells, Peter and I were back on the road,
to deliver him back to his home in Ashley Heath. I left Peter at 7.40 a.m., having received a
message from Hilda that Jayne had telephoned, in the hope that I would be able to
get home before the boys left for school!
I just about managed it, arriving at 8.00 a.m.!

So that was the 1997
Vingt-Quatre Heures du Mans in as much detail as I can now recall. After the event, I purchased the video of the
race, and went over to Peter’s to watch his video, which proved to be very good
indeed! Peter had decided to concentrate
on the video camera this year, rather than still photographs, but, as I write this part of the story in November,
I’m still waiting for a copy, Peter, over four months later! (2020 Edit - I've still never received it!).
About six weeks after the
race, I received the balance of my pack from the ACO, which included another
poster, the promised photographs of the winning car and the winning drivers on
the podium and the full results list, which was quite incredible, not only
including all the hourly updates, but also details of each and every pit stop
made by each and every car. An anorak's dream! As you can
imagine, I spent hours and hours poring over this information over the next
month or so.
Of course, my films were
put in to be developed the same day and were received the day after. (I was on holiday for the whole
week after
2020 Edit - Having just finished the revision to the 1997 story towards the end of August 2020, it's incredible to think that these events were over 23 years ago. It was a small team of just six of us, and sadly two of those are no longer with us.