Le Mans 1996 - Ayse's Story
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Friday 13th June - Off to Le Mans Again
The days seemed to tick
away very slowly towards Friday, 13th June, but I was able to get
all my bits and pieces ready well in advance.
I had as usual, booked a day’s leave on the Thursday and thought I
would have a long and leisurely day in which to make my last-minute
preparations and pack my bag.
Unfortunately for Jayne however, she wasn’t very well, and didn’t go to
work on the Thursday. This was good as it enabled us to spend the day together (going shopping in
Shortly before the end of
the week I telephoned Ian to make sure there were no last minute
hitches, and even got an itinerary from him.
(I express a degree of surprise, as Ian promises me an itinerary every
year and I had only received one from him on one previous occasion!). The itinerary showed both of our stay-overs,
on the Friday and Sunday nights. I was
delighted to see it confirmed that we would be staying at the Auberge de la Madeleine in Vendôme on
Friday night again. For the Sunday
night instead of rushing back towards the coast on
Sunday afternoon/evening after the race, Ian had decided to take things easy and travel just the short distance to
In fact, the route turned
out to be different as well this year.
Our crossing was not after all, to be from
I learned from Ian of one
last change to the team for
All was well however and
I had no problem in preparing everything that I needed (from the planning list
which I had put together weeks before).
The Friday dawned and I was up and dressed by 4.45 am, ready for the
journey over to Peter's house in Ashley Heath. I left home just after 5.00 a.m. As always at this time, the roads over to
Ringwood and beyond, over the
I was absolutely thrilled with the prospect of another trip to
The journey to Ian’s was wholly uneventful, and we
arrived at his house at exactly 6 o’clock.
I was surprised to find Jim and Alan already there, Alan
having brought Jim from

As you might expect, my
camera was fully loaded and primed for yet another week-end of photographic
excess and I started the week-end off as I intended to continue by a few rather dodgy low-light shots
of the Tourists getting themselves
and their bags ready to be loaded into the two cars, in preparation for the
journey to Portsmouth. As last year, I
would be travelling with Martyn, this time in his BMW 5-Series, with Peter and
Jim. Jeff and Alan would be Ian’s
passengers in his BMW 3-Series.
We were due to catch the 8 am ferry from

When we catch the early
morning crossing our first port of call is always to the restaurant for
breakfast. Sometimes we are lucky and
are able to get a table straight away, and fortunately, this was one of those
occasions. The Pride of Portsmouth was quite a big ferry, almost on the same scale as
the Brittany Ferries Normandie on
which we had travelled for the previous five years. It was well-appointed and the restaurant was
particularly bright and pleasant.

One thing about
Bearing in mind the length
of the crossing, we normally spend as much time as we can in the restaurant, so
much so that sometimes we are only leaving when the staff are preparing for
lunch! This year however, we vacated
the restaurant quite quickly, and made for the bar for a beer or two. You are probably quite bored by now with me
saying that the ferry crossing was “uneventful”, but that’s exactly what it
was! A few beers, plenty of chatting
about the race to come and other things, and a visit to the duty-free shop for
We were due to reach Le
Havre at about 2.45 French-time, so with a long journey in front of us
by car (and, no doubt, with memories of that long journey last year, when it
didn’t look as though we were going to stop for any refreshments on the way!),
we all trooped off to the self-service restaurant at about 2.15 pm to have
something to eat and drink.
We arrived on time at