Le Mans 1994 - Ayse's Story
Page 5 - Saturday 19th June - The Circuit Pre-Race
It took less than an hour to reach the track, despite the traffic, and we made our way to our usual parking area in the garage rouge. It was then out with the sun-hats and the sun-cream (it was by now very hot indeed), and a change to shorts for some, including Jim. After buying our programmes for the race, it was off to purchase the enceintes generales for Le Mans 1994.

After that, it was a short walk across the bridge over the autoroute and into the circuit proper from where we made our customary beeline for the tribunes from where we could watch the driver parade. I normally dislike this point of the trip as it means barge through the assembled ranks of spectators, many of whom have probably been there for hours, until such time as we reached a suitable spot on the tribunes. We took up a spot well down the tribunes, towards the beginning of the pitlane. Fortunately for us, it was still relatively early (about 2.30 p.m.) and the tribunes were not full.
We had a terrific view of the drivers being paraded along the start/finish straight and the cars being wheeled out directly in front of us to take up their echelon formation. I was able to get some good pictures of the cars and the competing drivers (not to mention the Hawaiian Tropic girls), before the urge for a merguez became too much, and I headed off in search of food!